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Medication Guidelines

The following guidelines outline the procedure necessary for the school nurse or designated school employees to administer non-prescription and prescription medication to children during the school day.

All medication brought to school must be delivered to a school nurse or designated school employee and kept in a secure place, except as provided by terms of Board Policy #5008. Prescription medication must be prescribed for the student and have a pharmacy label attached. All over-the-counter medications must be in their original containers with labeled instructions for administering. Medications will be administered pursuant to the parent’s instructions and the directions for use on the label or in the physician’s prescription.

A “Parental Authorization Form” must be completed and accompany all medication. The form must give the following information:

  1. Name of student.
  2. Name of medication.
  3. Dosage and special instructions.
  4. Date(s) and time(s) medication is to be administered.

The “Parental Authorization Form” must be signed by the student’s legal custodian. The authorization will be kept on file in the nurse’s office.

In the absence of either the written parental permission form or medication in properly labeled container, no medication will be administered.

Over-the-counter medication which is not designated on the label as appropriate for the child’s age will not be administered without written physician authorization.

Any medication requiring administration longer than a two-week period must be accompanied by a physician’s written authorization.

A new authorization form must be filled out for each change in dosage of medication or administration.